Thank You for Making the 2024 Mattawan Memorial Day Car Show a Success!
Despite the rain, wind, and cold keeping the Mattawan Memorial Day Car Show from being the packed show we’re used to, the event was still a successful fundraiser for our student organization. We extend our heartfelt thanks to those who have served and sacrificed for our country, every sponsor who has given so generously, all of our volunteers contributing their time, the Amateur Radio operators (K8BRC & W8MAI) who provide essential communications support, the vendors supporting our spectators, all of our show car owners who truly are the show, and every community member that came out to the show — we appreciate each and every one of you.
Because of your generosity, the Mattawan Rocket Club will be able to purchase supplies and tools that will allow them to compete in national competitions such as the American Rocketry Challenge, and grow STEM education at school.
Thank you once again for your support.
Since many vehicles did not come out to the show due to weather, we’ve decided to bring the show to you, check out our virtual show page to view the pre-registered vehicles from this year’s show.

2023 Car Show Media Coverage
Trophy Awards:
- Most Unique
- Newest
- Oldest
- Best Original/Stock
- Best Off-Road
- Best Daily Driver
- Out of This World
- Sponsor’s Choice
- People’s Choice
- Kids’ Choice
- In the case of inclement weather or restrictions that prohibit the car show, the live event will be cancelled and we will hold a virtual car show with pre-registered cars at As the date approaches, please watch this website, our social media and your email for show news.